A new expanding venture in digital media and immersive content

Inspiring the Metaverse

Focused at the convergence of web, content and the metaverse.

The ETC Virtual Academy enables producers to create content for new and emerging digital and metaverse markets. The ETC Platform provides applications and services for web, mobile and VR/AR project development.

Virtual Reality Campus

An enterprise supporting the creation of digital media entrepreneurs and projects. Includes full VR and AR ‘Investigative’ VR/AR experiences supported by television series. ELECTRIC THEATRE COMPANY intends to develop this into a launch of the first virtual campus of its kind, from the base of the FILM LINK Academy, making it a model in the development of innovative mechanisms that shape the future of learning and give ‘new media entrepreneur’ innovators, new and wider spaces to test and experiment with concepts and ideas in a virtual environment with limitless creativity - ‘Masterclass’ but for digital content creators.

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Our Solution

A platform for repurposing content to/from/TV/VR/AR and Interactive learning. Currently running as a Digital Media Academy learning platform for emerging content creators, digital media entrepreneurs with major commercial immersive projects in development. It's part of our linked FILM FESTIVAL supported by the British Film Institute (BFI).

The venture is supported by an expanding Subscription based Television OTT channel linked to a Branded Mobile App.

This baseline operation is being expanded to introduce Virtual Immersive mentored experiences as the learning environment evolves, offering solutions to businesses and brands seeking to engage that have identified a need for immersive experiences within the Metaverse but may not have formulated a project for development.

Virtual Reality Network & Facilitator

Core aim - Addressing the challenge that few people and few businesses know how to work with ... how to access and contribute to the Metaverse. The Academy will show them how, identify what tools are available to enter, demonstrate how to engage and use the medium and discover what opportunities are out there for production or for realising their project in both the entertainment and commercial world.

It makes a concerted effort to bring diverse talent to all levels of production. For creators it helps them identify their skills base to develop and build an executable action plan to help them reach their goals. If funding is required, the network will bring them together with potential developers to move their projects forward.

The Virtual Academy will act as a broker or agency (like the Plug&Play model but for content creators) to bring together highly skilled, under-represented creative pros to make their narratives come to life.
The Problem with the Metaverse?
Very often content creators do not put a priority on representation. How can people from the private and business world, who need to engage with the metaverse either for communication or to convey their message in the digital medium take the next step?

With the expanding demand for media and image based interactive content both in entertainment, in social media and in the business world, most might not have the means to kick off a creative career on their own
What is our Solution?
Via our unique learning environment, Electric Theatre Company will cultivate their relationships and help participants into networks that support diversity of opportunity in content creation. It offers them places to tap into when gearing up for production and helps find routes into metaverse production, whether that is VR, AR or Mixed Reality or any other form of virtual communication in digital technology.

We will build a community of digital new media content creators that looks beyond film school networks, and beyond the film industry to find content creators.
How will it Work?
NMEs will speak directly with their personalised 3d Avatar and a ‘mentor/coach’ both in the VR world and in reality when available.
They then work through the obstacles they’re facing, define their proposition, project or idea, and their vision and create a package for action and implementation. It will be an extension of the mentored service the Electric Theatre Academy currently provides but in an immersive environment and with a greater personal focus.
How will the venture create opportunities?
Investment in the Individual
It is intended that if it’s found that a project is a good fit, then we will bring the media entrepreneur together with a stakeholder in their future.
ETC will also open doors to VCs and collaborative partners, to help in sourcing funding from those who relate to the project and the individual or the values they represent.
What is the Opportunity?
An expanding virtual academy online platform, channel and APP generating and supporting new digital media content creation. ‘Masterclass’ but for digital content creators. Opportunities to invest in VR and AR Product development, and content creation and re-tasking of content for the emerging Metaverse.
What are the Benefits?
● Creates inclusive opportunities for those who would not otherwise be able to access or engage with the industry.
● Creates a global community of engagement and interaction amongst the users.
● Offers corporations and businesses a pathway to conceptualise VR experiences for their workforce.

Online Learning evolving to VIRTUAL REALITY

Our digital media school is growing online, built on a mentor driven model, and the evolution of this is building a unique VR interactive learning environment, participants join in private sessions with real life and Avatar based private mentors to design and perfect their pathway into the metaverse and in so doing, build their entrepreneurial skills. Participants learn to project, develop and pitch in private sessions to build their projects, their careers and grow faster.

The mentors in our ecosystem are experts and leaders in their industry, have built successful businesses, and want to help those without current access to this world, to build theirs. As part of the scale out strategy, the Company intends to leverage this output to fund further content production for the Metaverse.

Why Now?

Our team brings together a diverse community of engagement from across broadcast Media, Film, Television, Virtual Production and on-line content creation in a series of creative collaborative partnerships.

A Growing Eco Community

London, Europe

Film Studios
Based in central London at our studios at Kings Place and 3 Mills Studios in Stratford where the majority of our filmed interviews and courses are conducted.

Silicon Valley, United States

Subsidiary Offices
Our US based representative is available to reach out to for further information as the enterprise expands its operation.

Mallorca, Spain

Branch in development
With the support of the Mallorca Film Commission and linked to a major Film Studio, we intend to run entrepreneurship and business courses linking to the core VR academy project.

New Media Content Creation

An expanding VIRTUAL ACADEMY online platform, channel and APP generating and supporting new digital media content creation commencing with 'Jack the Ripper CSi':

● A TRUE CRIME SERIES in a unique format for a new VR and AR experience recreating the Jack the Ripper narrative linked to a new TV SERIES. ‘Metahumans’ used to recreate the actual victims and resurrect the legendary 'Ripper' victims of 130 years ago.

● Exclusive ‘generated’ access to a global community.

● Opportunity to ‘Map’ the streets of Whitechapel in 1888 for educational, heritage and entertainment purposes responding to London Heritage institutional demand.

● Proven following - ETC produced best selling RIPPER documentary for international TV and 3 million+ YouTube views.

Prime Company Objectives

  • VR Interactive Learning environment
  • New Media entrepreneur engagement
  • Product & personal Development
  • Building Skillsets
  • Building Entrepreneurial Practice in VR
  • Develop Creative digital concepts
  • Corporate Product Development
  • Networking and Collaborative partnering
  • Content Creation and Development
  • Multiple International Branch options

Agency & Concept Builder

ETC is like an agency for users and producers in a community of content creators. It helps users get their content made and introduces them to others who can produce the digital media or communication engagement that’s required via our VR Production collaborative partners and the community of businesses that we've invited to partner with us.

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Live Project Opportunity

A pilot TV series and a unique format for a new VR and AR experience recreating the Jack the Ripper narrative. Exclusive ‘generated’ access to a global community of enthusiasts. Opportunity to ‘Map’ the streets of Whitechapel in 1888 for educational, heritage and entertainment purposes responding to demand. Proven following; produced best selling international TV documentary pilot.

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Expanding Virtual Academy

An expanding virtual academy online platform, subscription channel and APP generating and supporting new digital media content creation. ‘Masterclass’ but for digital content creators. Academy platform and courses created and running with enrollments. Branded APP building community and engagement through global app stores.

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More information needed?

Please visit our FAQ page to learn more about the expansion of the Electric Theatre Company venture and opportunities for collaborative partnering and engagement.

Have a question?

Pose any questions and let our dedicated team respond. Find out more about what the Electric Theatre Company initiative will deliver.

Keep in touch with us

We are available from Monday to Friday - 8AM - 5PM. Headquartered in London UK and Silicon Valley US





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